Altered Student Schedule

Recently with the harsh weather conditions across the state, the District has altered the schedule for students.
So our patrons are clear on how this works, we are sending out this update. If the District utilizes a late start, or an early release those days do not have to be made up if lunch is served.
The District builds one snow day into the school calendar.
This year that day was used on December 13th. Our second snow day was February 15th and will need to be made up at some point. The District is planning to make up February 15th with two full-day Fridays for students. Students will have a full day Friday (same hours as Mon-Th) March 3rd and a full day Friday, March 17th. With future snow closures, other Friday makeups may be considered. Thank you for your help in keeping our students safe, and maximizing their in-class learning.
A decision about any school closures this week will be made as soon as possible and communicated to parents.